섹션 설정
Eco-Friendly Protein Production
We research environmentally friendly protein production methods through resin-free production.
Eco-Friendly Protein Production
We research environmentally friendly protein production methods through resin-free production.
Protein Production Methods That Care for the Planet
Engitein is a functional protein production company committed to sustainability.
By utilizing biosynthesis through cells instead of chemical synthesis, we aim to produce high-quality functional proteins while adhering to sustainable production methods.
Our goal is to provide customers with the choice to maintain their health while contributing to environmental protection.on methods through resin-free production.
Protein Production Methods That Care for the Planet
Engitein is a functional protein production company
committed to sustainability.
By utilizing biosynthesis through cells instead of
chemical synthesis, we aim to produce
high-quality functional proteins while adhering to
sustainable production methods.
Our goal is to provide customers with the choice
to maintain their health while contributing to
environmental protection.on methods
through resin-free production.
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